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m a g e n ta c o lo r a re fe d e ra lly re g is te re d tra d e m a rk s of
D e u ts c h e T e le k o m A G . S t ic k to g e th e r is a fe d e ra lly
le y is t e r e d tra d e m a rk of T -M o b iie U S A , In c . ©
200 8
T -M o b ile U S A , In c.
e t t e r
anil Gardens
Gayle Goodson Butler
E d it o r in C h ie f
Kitty Morgan
E x e c u tiv e E d ito r
Lam ont D.
M a n a g in g
S e n io r D e p u ty E d ito r, H o m e D e sig n
A s s is t a n t D e p u ty E d ito r
E a s t C o a s t E d ito r
W e st C o a s t E d ito r
S e n io r In te rio r D e sig n e r
S e n io r E d it o rs
A s s is ta n t E d ito r
E d it o r ia l A s s is ta n t s
D e p u ty E d it o r, Fo o d a n d E n te rt a in in g
S e n io r E d ito r
A s s o c ia te E d ito r
E d it o r ia l A s s is ta n t
G ro u p E d ito r, G a rd e n a n d O u td o o r L iv in g
D e p u ty E d ito r
S e n io r A s s o c ia te E d ito r
E d it o r ia l A s s is ta n t
D e p u ty E d ito r. F e a tu re s a n d F a m ily M a tte rs
S e n io r E d ito r
E d it o r ia l A s s is ta n t
D e p u ty A rt D ire c to rs
A s s o c ia te A rt D ire c to r
S e n io r G r a p h ic D e sig n e r
G r a p h ic D e sig n e r
P h o to g ra p h y C o o rd in a to r
S e n io r E d ito r, F a s h io n a n d B e a u ty
A s s is t a n t E d ito r
A s s is t a n t M a n a g in g E d ito r
S p e c ia l P r o je c ts E d ito r
M a k e u p E d ito r
A s s o c ia te M a k e u p E d ito r
C o p y E d ito r
O ffic e M a n a g e r
A d m in is t ra t iv e A s s is ta n t
T e s t K itc h e n D ire c to r
T e s t G a rd e n M a n a g e r
E d ito r a t L a rg e
S p e c ia l P r o je c ts M a n a g e r
C o n tr ib u tin g E d ito r, L iv in g G re e n
O lson
E d ito r
Michael D. Belknap
A rt D ire c to r
O m a Blaise Tord
Kelly Ryan Kegans
Kristine Kennedy
Paige Porter
Joseph Boehm
M eredith Ladik, Am y Panos, Kit Selzer
Joanna Sm ith
Peggy Daugherty. Renae Gray
N ancy W all Hopkins
Richard Swearinger
Frin Sim pson
Renee irey
D ougJim erson
brie Liskey
Susan Appleger Hurst
Jacque W ittick
Stephen C. George
Christian Millm an
Doris Lohrm an
Shelley Caldwell. Scott Johnson. Karla Jo Knipper
A m y Davis
Jcn sic Lauritsen Miksich
Maggie Meyer
Holly Pruett
Melissa Milrad Goldstein
Kelly L. Phillips
Kristi Chew
Mike Butler
Linda Sm ith Thom as
C in d y M urphy
Andrea Kline
G inger Bassett
Linda New som
Lynn Blanchard
Sandra J. G erdes
Elvin M cDonald
Brett W ilson
D annySeo
Regional Contributors
Lisa Mowry. A tlanta; Barbara Niclscr Baton Rouge, LA ; Sandra M ohlm ann.Charleston, S C ; Elaine V.arkoutsas.Shirley Rcmcs.
Hilary Rose. C hicag o; Diane Carro I. Fayetteville, AR; Denise Gee. D allas; Khnsti Zimmeth. D etroit;
E ileen Alexandra Deymier. Easto n, M D; Susan Fo■ G alveston, T X ; Jcetta Moulder H ousto n; Betsy Harris. Indianap olis;
Susan Andrews. Marty Ross. K ansas C ity ; Stephanie Rommel, Lexington, K Y; Robin Tucker. Laura Hull Los Angeles;
Shawn Gilliam, Alec id Stevens M inneap olis; Stacy Kunst el. N H ; Anna Mofvik, New Paltx, N Y; Buixiic Malciram.
John Locckc. N ew York; Cynthia Bogart. R l; Susan Salomon. Po rtland, M E; Barbara Mundall. Jan Bchrs Po rtland, OR;
Bonnie Broten. Helen Yoest, R aleigh, N C ; Andrea Caughev, S an Diego; Donna Talley. Saratoga Sp rin g s, NY;
Trish Maharam,Loraiee Wenger Seattle ; Heather Lobdell Tib u ro n , C A ; KarinLjdbeck-Brent. W oodbury, C T
Andy Sareyan
P r e s id e n t, Better Hom es and G ardens'
Anthony P. Imperato
A ssociate P ub lisher
James T. Carr
V ic e P r e s id e n t/G r o u p P u b lis h e r
Julie V.Boker
A sso ciate Publisher, M arketing
Becca Roth
G eneral M anager
G a ry W enstrup M idw est D irecto r
New York: Bill Shaner. Eastern Sales Manager; irene Broder ck, Joy De Vries. Nancy Kaplan, Jan: ne Krause. Trade Lichten,Susan Schwartzman,
bnca Wagner. Account fcxecutrves; Alie Giaime. Julie Gelens, Executive Assistants; Katie urban. Bobby Mendelson. Assistants; C hicag o: t miiy
Bâby, Kate Brower, Jackie Fallon, Vickie Sandberg-McNay, Account Execut Ives; Tracey Frye, Assistant: D etroit: Karen Barnhart; Lo s A ngeles:
Isabella Carrado, Manager, Jan ice Woods, Account Executive; Eric Zimostrad. Assistant; S an Fran cisco : Janet Davy, Manager; Lauren Davis,
Assistant; T ra ve l/D ire ct Response: Patricia Folio. Executive Director; D ire ct Response: Grace Chung Advertising Director, Tara Becker,
Sales Development Manager; Fliz.iheth Fitzpatrick. Assistant; Travel: isa Bookwalter. Director; Jill O'Toole Assistant
Prom otion and C re a tive S ervice s: Denise Basini. Director of Creative Marketing Stefanie Silver, Creative Director; Kristen Stucchio Suarez,
Promotion Director. Alexis Gibbons, Associate Promotion Director; Brooks Spellings. Merchandising Manager, Shana Rosenwald, Sen o r
Designer; Cara Belardi, Event Marketing Manager; Anna! isa Battiloro. Promotion Coordinator. S ale s D evelopm ent: Melissa, Sales
Deve opment Director; EnikoSkinte . Sen or Sales Development Manager; P ub lishing Group C om m unicatio ns: Patrick Taylor. Executive
Director; Lisa Bagley. Senior Publicist; Diane Terwiliiger-Silberfem. Research Director; Janet Donnelly.Consum er M arketing D ire cto r;
RonClingman. B u sin e ss D ire cto r; RandiNeei. A d vertisin g B usin e ss M anager; Karen Chiovaic Sen io r D irecto r Production/
A dvertisin g ; Jan Si t ic . A d vertisin g O perations D ire cto r; John Beard. A sso ciate Production D ire cto r; April Gross. Sarah Otte.
Advertising Operations Managers; Elise Contarsy, David Johnson, Bradford W.S. Hong. B rand Licensing
President Jack Griffin
Executive V ice P resident Andy Sareyan C h ie f Revenue O ffice r Tom Hart,' Finance and A d m in istratio n Mike Riggs
M anufacturing Bruce Heston C onsum er M arketing Dave Ball C orporate Sales Michael Brownstein
M eredith 360
.irk Ramherger Interactive M edia Doug Olson Interactive M edia Sales I aurpn Wiener Corporate M arketing
Nancy Webe' Research Rritta Ware C h ie f Technology O fficer Tina Ste I New M edia M arketing Service s Andy Wilson
* 1
Slept ten M. Lacy. President and C h ie f Executive O fficer
William T. Kerr. C hairm an of the Board
In M em oriam — E. T. M eredith III, 19 33-20 0 3
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